Liv is from Overland Park, KC, and recently moved to Chapel Hill, NC to become a Carolina Tar Heel! As a freshman, she has her sights set on majoring in Business Administration. Go Heels! Already, Liv loves that there is a sense of warmth within the Chapel Hill community, unlike any other city she’s visited. As soon as she set foot on campus last spring, she knew it was the place she needed to be! To Liv, it feels like home.

Why LINK x LOU®? Permanent jewelry is an amazing way to wear classy and timeless jewelry every day without any hassle. LINK x LOU® offers not only a beautiful piece of jewelry but also an experience unlike any other. It’s a great way to bond individuals together and get them Linked forever. Every time you see that piece of jewelry, it reminds you of the connection you have with another person, place, or thing.

Fun fact: Liv loves to play country music on the guitar.